

Forensic psychiatry is a specialised branch of psychiatry which deals with the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders in prisons, secure hospitals and the community. It requires sophisticated understanding of the interface between mental health and the law.

Psychiatrists are probably the most widely used of expert witnesses in both Prosecution and Defence cases. They can be instructed to assist the Court in deciding whether a defendant is fit to plead, for a variety of other issues relating to both the defendant and prosecution witnesses and to assist in determining the most appropriate sentence.

Our forensic psychiatrist experts

Click on the names below to read the profiles of our psychiatric experts

Professor Neil Greenberg

Dr Menzies Schrader


” I have instructed Professor Greenberg on numerous occasions over the past 10 years and have always been extremely impressed with his knowledge and insight of all psychiatric issues. His reports are concise and articulate and his approach and dedication to the job in hand is always outstanding” 

” I have also instructed Dr Schrader on a number of occasions, most recently to assist in determining whether a client’s mental health problems contributed to her decision making and judgement whereby she could possibly have the defence of duress. His report was extremely helpful and was so persuasive, the Crown dropped the charges of Possessing Class A with Intent to Supply to simple possession. Dr Schrader is highly recommended”

What is forensic psychiatry?

Forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty of psychiatry that focuses on the interface of law and mental health. It involves the evaluation, treatment, and reporting of individuals involved in legal proceedings, including criminal, civil, and administrative/regulatory proceedings. Forensic psychiatrists assess the mental health of individuals to determine their competency to stand trial, provide expert testimony in court, and provide treatment for individuals with mental health issues and criminal behaviour.

How are forensic psychiatrists different from psychiatrists?

Forensic psychiatrists are psychiatrists who specialise in the application of psychiatric principles and knowledge to the legal system. They are called upon to provide expert opinion or testimony in legal proceedings and may assist in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders in the context of the law.

They may provide court-ordered evaluations, assess the competency of defendants to stand trial, provide clinical opinions of mental state at the time of the offense, and provide opinions on legal issues such as civil commitment, guardianship, and criminal responsibility. In contrast, psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.

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